So far, 2010 has been the most rewarding year of my life. Not many people have the opportunity to spend a semester traveling and studying abroad and then turn right around and spend a summer interning somewhere as amazing as Fox News. In just seven months, I’ve seen places I never knew existed and met people I never dreamed I’d meet. But don’t worry, I’m going to step off my soapbox before this gets too sappy.
However, I can’t sign off until I acknowledge the people who made all of this possible, my parents. They have always been supportive of all my endeavors, no matter how crazy or farfetched they may have seemed at the time. Whether I was wanting to pursue a career in country music (which failed, obviously) or asking to spend a semester in Spain, they have always encouraged me to “dream big.” Hopefully this is only the beginning…
I am also grateful to the people who took the time to keep up with my crazy adventures…aka, you guys, my blog readers, hometown supporters, folks who are bored at work, grandparents who love me too much not to read it. Whoever you may be, it’s been so much fun relaying my experiences to you.
So here, it goes…I’m signing off for the last time! Thanks so much for reading…maybe I’ll find something else to blog about in the future. But until then...