Sunday, January 17, 2010

Itálica: "I walked where the Romans walked."

Not much has happened since the last time I blogged. I have spent most of my time unsuccessfully trying to get over a cold.

However, Saturday, we did make a quick trip to Itálica, a Roman city which dates back to 250 B.C. I can honestly say, Itálica is one of the top five most amazing places I've seen. We walked through a stadium which could seat 20,000 people. The whole time I was walking through the stadium, the same thought kept running through my mind, "I am walking where the Romans walked."

I had these similiar feelings a few years ago when I walked through George Washington's house in Mount Vernon, but to think I was walking through a tunnel built by the hands of people older than Christ was absolutely amazing.

After the stadium we walked down an old "street" lined with the foundations of what once were the homes of the Roman patriarchs. My teacher explained to us that movies often portray these homes to be very large, when in fact, each room was actually only about 12 by 15 feet. I was especially awestruck by the mosaic floors in many of these homes. My favorite floor was decorated with tiles of birds...(most of you already know about my obsession with owls).

After leaving the Itálica site, we walked to a Roman theatre. Our teacher said a man discovered it a few years ago when trying to put in a garage behind his house. Needless-to-say he never got his garage once they discovered the remains of an ancient Roman theatre beneath his house. All of the houses around the theatre have avoided doing any construction, because the owners are scared that should they dig, they, too, might lose their homes to excavation.

I loved every minute of our quick excursion to Itálica. I am amazed by the abilities of man and look forward to visiting more of these incredible places! Hasta luego!

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