Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"No pancake so thin...."

Today was a very busy day at FOX!
Mr. Security Guard and I had WAY TOO MANY awkward encounters because every few minutes I was running up to the 12th floor (makeup rooms and studios for America's Newsroom/America Live), and then back down to the lower level (where I work).

Despite the steady workload, I was able to greet a couple of really interesting guests and attend a seminar led by the CEO of FOX, Roger Ailes.

Between my discussions with the guests and Roger Ailes' lecture, I felt like everywhere I turned today, I was being bombarded with "tips for success" from extremely successful people.

I will sum those tips up in just a bit. But first, I must add to the "MET" and "SEEN" lists.

Juan Williams (Washington Post reporter...among many things)
Monica Crowley (beautiful/talented)

Jonna Spilbor
Mercedes Colwin
Roger Ailes

Ok, here are a few of my favorite "words of wisdom:"

Juan Williams:

Specialize. Find something that interests you, other than journalism, and pursue that interest... MASTER it...this sets you apart!

Monica Crowley:

Take risks. The most successful people aren't limited by the fear of failure.

And last but not least, a few things I jotted down during Roger Ailes' speech:

"Success is not a destination but a journey."

Happiness is not determined by success. Success is determined by happiness.

80 percent of people fear failure, 20 percent fear success...RUN FROM THOSE 20 PERCENT!

and my favorite...

"There's no pancake so thin that you can't see both sides. There are always two sides."

So...lessons learned for the day are:

1)Be passionate.
2)Discover what makes you happy and pursue it until you are successful.
3)Take risks!!

As much as I enjoy writing for you few people who so kindly take 5 minutes a day to read this nonsense, I must admit, sometimes I write for myself.

When I get discouraged, when dreams seem far-fetched, I can read this stuff, reminisce a little, and say, "Yep, that really happened. I really did have that experience, and pretty much anything is possible."

So, as always, thanks to all you readers who give me a reason to share my wild ideas and sometimes "deep" reflections!!

Until next time...


Hollye said...

Keep writing!! I love reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

While you are being inspired and having all these great experiences, we are all learning from you too! Keep inspiring us! Love it!

KCKirkpatrick said...

You inspire me Katy Kate! LOVE AND MISS YOU!

Anonymous said...

You know my opinions on your writing.. That is really all I have to say... and I never realized it was so easy to comment on your blog.. I love you and keep on writing.

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