So, since I know all of you are about to wet your britches with excitement, I’ll go ahead and explain the moment you’ve all been waiting for. It all began when I asked my supervisor if it would be okay if I shadowed Megyn’s assistant for a day. The other intern I work with had shadowed her and said it was pretty interesting, so I wanted a shot at something different, too.
My supervisor agreed, and MK’s assistant and I planned to meet at 9:00 a.m. on Friday. So, since this was my big moment to impress my mentor, you can imagine the chaos in my dorm room Thursday night as I tried to find the perfect outfit. After 30minutes of trying unsuccessfully to find something to wear, my southern suitemate, Miss Molly Kate, stepped in and saved the day. She offered to let me borrow the most AMAZING DVF wrap dress I’ve ever seen, and as soon as I tried it on, I fell in love.
So the next morning, I set out, wrapped (no pun intended) in my borrowed DVF dress for what I expected to be the best day I’d had at Fox News.
When I finally got to work, I called Abby and she set me to work on my first project. I did some research on one of MK’s stories for the day. She instructed me to be done highlighting articles and finding related stories by 9:30, so MK could begin reading over everything when she arrived to work! So, at this point, I had t-minus 30 minutes until I got to meet her.
(Okay, so you might be feeling a little skeptical at this point. I’m not crazy, I promise. And I’m not a stalker. So before I continue, do me a favor. Imagine your #1 idol, hero, or person you have always loved/would die if you had the opportunity to meet….
Do you have the image in your head?
Now picture what you would do if you discovered you had the opportunity to meet that person…
Ya, that’s what I thought. Now you know how I felt.
After I completed my task of highlighting numbers and statistics for the upcoming midterm elections, I placed my finished work on the desk where MK gathers all of her stuff. Then, in a very anti-climactic moment, MK walked down the hall, introduced herself, and began talking to her assistant about assembling a shoe tree for her office.
Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t disappointed by the encounter. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I was so glad to see how down-to-earth MK was. I then spent the rest of the day happily shadowing her assistant and trying to help out as much as possible (I’ll admit, I did go fetch one cup of coffee) : ).
So, there you have it. I finally met my hero. It’s cheesy, I know. It’s cliché, I know. But even the most incredible people have someone to look up to! Hopefully I’ll be able to get a picture with her before I leave NYC!
One more's a picture of me at FOX wearing the above mentioned DVF dress : )
Until next time!
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