Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"America Day"

Today can be summed up with one word, "dreary." It has been raining NON STOP here, and it's still very cold outside. I usually don't mind the rain, but mix it with 30 mph winds, and I become an unhappy mujer. In America, I like the cold weather, but the difference between there and Sevilla is that the apartments in Sevilla don't have heaters! : / I now prefer to sleep in two pairs of pants, two pairs of socks, two shirts, and a fleece, to the usual shorts and t-shirt. ha! Unfortunately, my choice of outfit hasn't done the job, and I woke up yesterday with a cold.

Anyway, since today was such a dreary day, my roommate and I decided to find a mall and eat some American food (the good greasy kind that causes a large percentage of our nation to resemble vacas). After several failed attempts at locating the general direction of Nervión Plaza (i.e. we tried to walk through the gates of a military institute), we finally found a mall. I knew I had found the right place when I saw the glow of "the golden arches." In good taste, we decided against eating McDonald's and settled on TGI Fridays. We ate chicken strips, French fries, and drank cokes! Ah, the satisfaction of REAL FOOD!!!

After lunch, we walked around the mall and looked at some of the stores. Right now, all of them are having sales, so the mall is pretty busy. Isa said the sales last until the end of February when the Spring clothes arrive. I really like the stores here and look forward to shopping when I don't look like I went swimming in my clothes.

On the way back to our apartment, "Hurricane Ike" hit Sevilla and after our umbrella malfunctioned, Kristen and I surrendered our fight with the weather. Defying the customs of Spanish society we took off at a dead sprint back to our apartment (so much for blending). Nothing much happened after that. Kristen and I spent the rest of the day in our "cave" coughing and doing homework!

But alas, things are beginning to look up... Isa just returned home from shopping all day and said her feet hurt too bad to cook. WE GET PIZZA FOR DINNER!!! yay! Two greasy American meals in one day (hence the title of this entry "America Day")!

Anyway, enough complaining for one day, Hasta luego!

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