Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rain, Rain GO AWAY!!

Today was extremely uneventful, and it's still raining!! I still have a cold and have already gone through at least five rolls of toilet paper blowing my nose. But things could be worse. My friend, Eric, still doesn't have his luggage and has been wearing the same two shirts and a pair of jeans for more than a week. It is a blessing for everyone in Sevilla my luggage made it on time. haha!

Moving on...Recently I have noticed people pushing cars through parking lots and down the streets in Sevilla. Until yesterday, I thought perhaps there was an epidemic of car trouble. However, Dr. Inglis, the director of the TTU Center in Sevilla, said this is a common occurrence here. He said because Sevilla is such an old city, the streets and parking areas were not made to accommodate the amount of people that currently live here.

For example: A man drives into a parking lot, leaves his car in neutral, and goes into a store to buy some bread. A woman leaving the store notices the man's car is blocking her exit. What does she do? She simply pushes the man's car out of her way, gets into her car, and drives away! haha! I have to admit, IT'S HILARIOUS!!! I have seen cars quadruple parked in a lot, but this is no big deal to the Spanish.

My only question is...What happens when the man leaves his car at the top of a hill? hmmm

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