Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Doock Leever Block"

Not much has happened since Friday's trip to Córdoba. I've pretty much kept the same schedule of sleeping, surfing the internet, reading, attempting to speak Spanish to Isa, attempting to understand Isa when she speaks Spanish to me...you know, the usual. Oh, and of course, I'm still visiting Don Divino and/or other pastry shops on a daily basis.
However, I have had two rather interesting experiences the last few days.
Saturday night, Ale invited me and a few friends to a "Beatles" concert by a local cover band. I cannot begin to describe my excitement when I found out the band would be singing Beatles music IN ENGLISH! AHHH! Anyway, on the way to the concert, I told Ale and his friends several times how excited I was to hear "Hey Jude." (This is BY FAR my favorite Beatles song, and I really hoped they would sing it.) Half way through the concert, they still had not sung my song, but never fear, a large group of 16-year-old boys began chanting "HEY YUDE! HEY YUDE! HEY YUDE!" At the time, I had no idea what they were chanting, but I yelled with them just for the sake of living the moment. It wasn't until the band began playing the first few notes of "Hey Jude" that I realized my Spanish amigos had been chanting for my song all along! I enjoyed every minute of the concert and will never again hear "Hey Yude" without thinking about my Beatles concert experience in Sevilla.

Moving on, yesterday I put my taste buds to the test and tried "duck liver block" aka "Pâté" or "Pato" in Spanish. The grayish tint of the spread should have been my first hint to STAY AWAY, but instead I dipped my spoon into the can and spread a heaping amount of the pato onto my bread. After chewing and swallowing, I asked Ale what exactly "pato" was.
"Es pato," he replied. "Es Doonald."
"Donald?" I asked.
He then picked up the can and read very slowly in broken English,
"Ninety-aaatee perceent doock leever."
"Hmm," I replied trying to decipher what I thought was another complicated Spanish phrase...then, the light bulb finally came on and I realized he just said, "NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT DUCK LIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I had just eaten ground duck liver on my bread (hence his reference to Donald Duck).
I immediately gulped down the rest of my water and swore to Ale I would never again eat "doock leever" on my bread.

So why exactly did I decide to share these two experiences with you? The truth is...I have no idea! : ) Hasta luego!!

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