Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hola from Sevilla!

Hola Todos! This is my third day in Seville, and after a LONG plane ride, a couple of sleepless nights on a HARD hotel bed, and some STRANGE food, I am finally beginning to settle in.
My Spanish mother "Isa" met my roommate Kristen and I at our hotel around 10:45 this morning (that's 3:45 a.m. for all of you Americans) haha! She told us (in Spanish) that she didn't bring a car and doesn't prefer to take a taxi, so off we went to Nervion dragging 75+ pounds of luggage! I guess that's what I get for packing two years worth of clothes.
I learned quickly that Isa does not speak ANY English. Upon meeting her, I apologized for my large amount of luggage! She immediately threw her hands in the air, and told me that as a fellow "mujer" she understands and probably would have packed even more than I did. She is very kind and very stylish (aka Dolce and Gabana sunglasses! ha!
Isa has a son, Alejandro, aka "Ale." He is a student here at the Universidad de Sevilla studying sculpture. He is just as expressive and happy as his mother, but also speaks almost no English. He met us on the steps of the apartment building with wild hair, still dressed in pajamas! (We have something in common)! He and his mother work together trying to communicate with us, and several times Ale had to tell his mother to SLOWW DOWWWNN!!!! haha! (Thank you, Ale!)
Isa told us that lunch will be served at 3:00 p.m. and dinner at 10:00 p.m.! (Sorry to all the nutrition experts who advise me to eat an early dinner!!) Isa works during the day, so Ale will be cooking lunch! According to both mother and son, he is a very good cook! Nice!!
I took quite a few pictures yesterday during a quick tour of the city, and I plan on posting those asap! I love the history of this place! It's strange being in such an old country. George Washington seems like a youngster compared to Spain's founding fathers!
Well, I've about run out of things to say (yes that does happen occasionally)! I will write more soon! Until then... Hasta luego!

1 comment:

Texas Schoolmarm said...

Great post, Kate! It's awesome to have a window into your experiences. Sounds as if you are in for total immersion with the language! Of course, Ken is hoping you will learn some great new recipes.
Keeping sharing!

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