Monday, June 7, 2010


So, if there's anything I've learned after a week at FOX News, it's that SECURITY GUARDS DON'T SMILE. As an intern, I do a lot of walking. I walk upstairs to greet guests, downstairs to my desk, back upstairs with make-up lists, and then back downstairs. This routine stays pretty constant throughout the day. As I maintain my "rat race" of a schedule, I pass the same security guard, oh, I'd say at least 10 times a day.
The first day I passed him, I smiled, said "hi," and in true Texan fashion, gave him a nice wave of the hand. He didn't show any sign he had seen my greeting, so I assumed he was looking over my head (this has happened to me before during encounters with tall people). SO, okay, at this point, I'm assuming Mr. Security Guard didn't see me. WRONG. After the fifth time I walked passed him, I realized that he had no intention of acknowledging my presence.
Even worse, one of the times I attempted to catch his attention, a very professional-looking man walked by me and said "Oh hey, (insert Security Guard’s name here)." And the security guard replied, "How are you today (insert business man's name here?) What in the world???? Since that day (five work days later), I have maintained my smile/wave/receive nothing in return sort of game with the security guard. So because of this, I have made it my number one goal to leave Fox News with a proud badge of honor reading: I, the lowly intern, made the security guard smile. We'll see how it works out for me.

Ps. Here is an update of my "met" and "seen" lists for today:

Governor George Pataki (ex New York governor)

Nick Cannon
(pretty sure Mariah Carey is AT LEAST 3 times his size!! He is teensy!!)

I’m still waiting on the day I get to meet Megyn Kelly. I still have two months at FOX News...cross your fingers!

Until next time..


Kara said...

I love your "lists"!! I look forward to reading them!

Kate said...

Thank you! Keep reading!

Heather said...

Love your glad you are keeping us updated on what you are doing and who you are seeing!

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